Friday, February 18, 2011


Last week i was went for my 1st job interview in my life. Actually everything has been in well planned, my transport, my salary usage...all gone! :'( 2 days ago, my bro in law told me, he had talk to his boss about my salary and his boss was actually decide to take up me on this position. However, yesterday a bad news that i get from him was that ppl which want to resign is still under contract, he cant resign unless he compensate for company. My bro in law told me, he and his boss already approve to let him resign, but another boss deny. Because of him, my plan is gone, my hope is hopeless. I was pissed off, why every time the same case was happen on me, they gimme a hope, but the result i get is hopeless. sigh ~ what to do?!! now noone i can rely anymore, i just have to apply other job by myself. when only i can get a job? ! I really don't know, i don't want to waste my time to stay at home everyday and do nothing. I want to learn something, i just want to get some experience, i want to fight for my future because i was getting older soon.

chow for now... :(

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


很开心,君君终于得赏所愿,有情人终成眷属。。。希望他会好好保护她,不要伤害她。 虽然君外表看来很坚强,但她的内心都像一般人那么的脆弱。 君曾经问过我,我们应该选择一个爱我们的人,还是选择一个我们爱的人呢?虽然我回答了她,我们是该选择一个爱我们的人,因为至少我们不会轻易被伤害。 但是, 女生啊,说的话往往都是在欺骗自己,女生就是那么的感性,也因为这样女人常常都是最伤的。值得庆幸的是,幸亏那个笨蛋在紧要关头向君表白了,否则君肯定会放弃, 而接受那位好好先生。我太了解君的性格,无论她是多么地喜欢那个笨蛋,她都不会是主动开口说的那一个。还好,那个笨蛋在对的时间做出对的决定,不然我相信君肯定会很不开心。好啦,希望君能幸福,开开心心,因为她是我最要好的朋友。

还有两天就新年了,期望已久的日子终于要到了,希望大家平平安安,开开心心过个年。也希望,我们俩的考试成绩可以通过, 顺利毕业。过了年,我将会展开新的生活,踏出社会,为我和他的将来奋斗。 我♡他!

p.s : 感冒菌,请你远离我,我还要健健康康地过年的。拜托拜托,感激不尽。