Tuesday, June 23, 2009


刚刚上youtube 听歌时,无意间看到许玮伦车祸的新闻。还记得两年前的一月二十八日在娱乐头条看见了许玮伦车祸抢救不治的新闻,当时的我真的很惊讶,很难过也很难接受。。。没想到老天难么快就把美丽的天使给带走了,真叫人遗憾。。。虽然之前没特别地去留意许玮伦的新闻,不过每当在报纸上看见她的新闻,总是让我有种感觉,那种感觉就像一种。。。唔。。。很亲切的感觉似的。现在玮伦已成为了我的回忆,而这个回忆永远都存在。祝福她。。。

Sunday, June 21, 2009

20 JUNE 2009

yesterday my best fren mc was back from singapore, but sadly she only back to celebrate father's day with her daddy and she will back singapore tonight. 昨日一别,不知何时才能相聚。i know this few words very 'lou tou' but that's true..sigh.....besides that,li told me that she get U at terengganu, and she had decided to go there. no doubt for me to advise her to stay at penang anymore once she had make the decision. i felt very sad recently all my frens are going to leave me soon, although i know that they are going to study and will back on holiday....however, there are a distance 2 us...sigh ...i guess i will miss them crazy.

yesterday me,li accompany pik went to sentral college to ask for the education course,then we planned to find mc and have our lunch there. after that we went to mc's house, i think i have been a period of time didn't go there. we help li to wrote down the things she wants to bring and buy to terengganu, and asked ling fetch us go sunshine farlim. ling drove like crazy, 1st time seat her car and we all scream like carzy. i tell to myself, i wont seat her car anymore coz i not yet buy insurance...lolz....

3 hours ago, finally we had finished bought our thing...wuhh..tired...we spent a lot at there...
:( after that we decided to go our dinner . when having our dinner, i saw all of them having their own problem which is related to their studies,yet me too...and i told them that i miss the time at secondary school, during that time,we all like siao kia, never think so much, never to face the studies problem, never ever so depressed...i miss the moment definitely and i wish to go back to that moment.. however, we had grew up, and we all know we need to face a lot of problem in future , and this is the time to let us plan and learn to face it. lastly,i hope all of them and me can manage it and make a right correct decision.

guys, no wonder how far we are, i believe our relationship will not change, i miss u all.

Friday, June 19, 2009




